Pro Choice, Pro Life or Anti Choice


I am pro-choice and pro-life. You can be both. Too many people who claim to be pro-life though, are usually just anti-choice.


My choice is life

I support universal health coverage, which means that “all people have access to the health services they need, when and where they need them, without financial hardship.”

How can this be considered radical, bad? What should be pushed against is a system where people go bankrupt and/or die from lack of healthcare.

We should give refuge to people fleeing violence and deprivation in their country. This is pro-life. There are so many children, so many families that will suffer or die if they stay where they are.

I strongly support overhauling laws and making new ones to start fixing the immense wealth, race, and gender inequality in this country. And this is pro-life as well.

Too many people needlessly die because of inhumane restrictions that are in place- with more being enacted all the time.


I am vegan, because I am pro-life.

Even if you choose to eat grass-fed or free-range animals, these innocent lives will still experience the extreme horror and pain of dying in a slaughterhouse.



I’m for smart gun control laws. Think about how many lives we have lost to senseless gun violence. Think how many lives we could save.

– 100+ people are killed by guns in the US every single day.

– In the US, over 12 kids die from gun violence EVERY SINGLE DAY…

– 9 in 10 people die from gun suicide.

– In violent crimes, less than 1% of people used their guns to defend themselves.

Note: More guns do not save more lives- they take them. You just have to look at other countries, and you’ll see that this isn’t politics- it’s a fact*.

*This was from the beginning of 2021. Sadly there have been many more deaths by guns since then.


I am Pro Choice, because life decisions are rarely clear cut.

I have a child, but I will not have another one. This is my choice. It doesn’t matter whether this is because of a medical, financial, or other personal reason.

How can someone in a position of power have the right to dictate what our choice is? They don’t know me, and they don’t know you. They have no idea what our life situation is.

What’s especially sad is that many of these “pro-life” lawmakers, are the ones who cut state and federal programs that actually offer life sustaining support.

If they were truly pro-life, they would be working on laws that offer help throughout a person’s life.


–> I want to mention this too, because I’ve had conversations about it. And as I noted above, the choices in life are rarely simplistic.

I am a vegan, who adopted a street cat. Felines are obligate carnivores. They are unable to forego animal meat- unlike omnivores.

I don’t push my beliefs on her, because doing so could cause her great harm or even death. Her life is different than mine, and I need to respect that.


Being pro-life means also supporting:

Federal and state financial programs, to assist the mother during their pregnancy and afterwards.

Allowing people access to realistic family planning and free contraceptives, so that the need for abortion is greatly lessened.

Strong social safety nets for those in poverty, homelessness, the ones who have been marginalized.

Ending the death penalty is another one.


All of these solutions are pro-life.

People who are pro-life, will actively fight for the programs that provide life long support for all.

If someone is unwilling to do this, if only certain lives, certain times of life are what is important to them… then they really aren’t pro-life.

BUT- they have the chance, the choice, to change into someone who is. This is why it is so important to share what it truly means to be pro-life.

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