Happy New Year & End of Year Thoughts

First off here’s wishing you a Happy New Year!! Can you believe it’s already the end of December? This year went by so fast, faster than any other that I can remember. I probably say that every year, but boy the years seem to be zooming by!

I’ve been spending this week figuring out what I want to accomplish in the new year, and also making note of other things that I want continue with. One of them is definitely reminding myself to set aside more self love moments. The quote below is one of the things I’m going to continue working on too. I started in little ways and some big ones, but it’s something I need to be mindful of all the time.

Happy New Year

I think as women we have a tendency to put other people’s needs before our own. It doesn’t seem to matter how powerful and successful we are, our needs rarely come before those we love. We also don’t share enough of the burden. For me, it’s because I find it faster to do it myself.

I shared a little humor on this, and it is sooo true!

Of course this means that I end up doing practically everything myself. This is definitely something else that I need to work on in the new year and be more mindful of. What about you? Are you like me, or have you found a better balance? And if you fall into the latter group I would love to know what you do, because I’m surrounded by women who are trying to do everything at great expense to their health and well being.

Well I got off track from what I was going to originally share, but if you know me or chatted with me on Instagram then you know that’s pretty much the norm for me. haha I do want to close out this old year with big wishes that your new year is filled with love, joy, and empowerment!

Happy New Year!!

Photo: Winter Yoga


  • Jhanelle

    January 25, 2018 at 7:34 pm

    This is beautiful Katherine ❤️ Happy New Year! Miss you ❤️
    – Jhanelle (fromthecomfortofmybowl)

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      January 26, 2018 at 1:44 pm

      Thank you so much Jhanelle, and happy new year to you also ❤️❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Ugh, I miss talking with you and also miss your amazing and so YUM dishes too!! Let me know if you have a blog that I can follow, because that way I can stay in touch. Would love to make your food too!

      1. Jhanelle

        January 30, 2018 at 5:25 am

        Awww 🙂 I wish I wasn’t so lazy to write a blog lol plus it would take me forever to think of what to write. I’ve attempted before was I wasn’t too happy with it. I wish I had some of your great writing skills!

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          February 11, 2018 at 7:50 am

          OMG I am so sorry! For some reason I never got notification that you left another comment and am just seeing this now. I loved reading your post descriptions and comments on IG, because they were real and very interesting. I truly mean that, so I would love reading anything you put out there. I know what you mean though. I tried writing “blog” style when I first started this site, and it felt so artificial and definitely not me. It was such an effort to write anything (and then not cringe when I reread it later). haha I pretty much don’t care now and put down whatever I feel like… basically like I did when I was on Instagram. lol

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